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How to be an Angel: Edu Caravan Global supports Aktion Lebensretter

In summer 2011, Edu Carvan Global (ECG), an NGO based in Noida, India acted as an extension of AKTION LEBENSRETTER for the first time by donating as many as 1116 books to Project Why, an NGO educating slum children in New Delhi.
As a contributing partner to ECG, Brahmananda Public School in Noida created an awareness in their students about the importance of education in the lives of less privileged children living in the slums and on the streets of the city who really want to study but cannot afford to. Many students from Brahmananda Public School volunteered to come together and make a difference. They packed and loaded the school books that ranged from English language, Hindi language, General Knowledge, Moral Values, Computer Education, Mathematics, Science and Technology to Social Sciences and Environmental Science, in special packages and went to the Project Why Centre in Sarita Vihar to drop off their donation and interact with the thankful students who study in the centre’s special school for underpriviledged slum children. The books have become a mini-library for the eager students and a great learning resource on many subjects.
The founder of ECG, Aparajita Dasgupta Dutta, felt truly inspired by the founders of AKTION LEBENSRETTER, their work and spirit to change the lives of the kids who are suffering from physical disability, financial instability and lack of parental support for their upbringing.
So, ECG did not stop there. Driven by the impact of their donation, ECG came back a few months later to drop off a huge load of essential children’s clothing as a Christmas gift for the needy slum kids who often own but a single set of clothing and hardly any warm coats or shoes. Over 1.000 pieces of clothing were donated by the students and staff of Brahmananda Public School during their “I am an Angel” Campaign which was organised by ECG. The generous donors also included personal notes for the recipients in the clothing bags. Aparajita even brought a lovely cake to celebrate the occasion!
Edu Caravan Global continues to support AKTION LEBENSRETTER with contributions in kind and to raise awareness among Indias well-educated youth, e.g. by taking them along to the slum centres where they can tutor their less fortunate mates.
AKTION LEBENSRETTER would like to express their deepest gratitude towards Aparajita, Edu Carvan Global and Brahmananda Public School, not only for supporting their cause but also for teaching social responsibilty to the more priviledged future generation of India. The world needs more of you Angels!

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